Springfield Illinois photographer
Springfield Illinois photographer

Springfield Illinois commercial photographer
Springfield Illinois commercial photographer

Vascular Surgery - Skills Lab - 0A4A0125.jpg
research lab - 0A4A0685.jpg
Med Humanities Meeting-7.jpg
Day of Service 2024-40.jpg
Motherland Gardens - SIU Medicine - 0A4A0767.jpg
Ob-gyn - 0A4A9942.jpg
research lab - 0A4A0654.jpg
Erica Forbes - OMCE3367.jpg
Advocacy Day - Springfield, IL - 4_24 - -105.jpg
Romangs Fall - 0A4A7781.jpg
Commencement 2024-252.jpg
0A4A2798 copy.jpg
Exteriors- 0A4A7822.jpg
NE- 6I5A8617.jpg
NE- 6I5A8728.jpg
faves -  0A4A0176 copy.jpg
neuro2 - 6I5A9059.jpg
16x20 - ALZ Lab  -  0A4A7483 copy.jpg
SIU MED in Fall - 0A4A1000.jpg
3D -  0A4A9577 copy.jpg
ALZ Lab  -  0A4A7516.jpg
Dr. Acharya - Enviromental Portrait WEB - OMCE7003.jpg
Dr. Bowers - OMCE3891.jpg
Research Scholars Program - 0A4A8967.jpg
Decatur Family Medicine - Clinic -FR -  OMCE0683 copy.jpg
Harbinger Dinner 2022 - OMCE4941.jpg
OR - benromangphoto - 0A4A2164 copy.jpg
OR 02.jpg
Students in courtyard - 0A4A1702.jpg
1Enos Book Giveaway 2024-26.jpg
5K Charity Run 2023 - 104.jpg
8bit0A4A6573-Edit copy.jpg
crabtree copy.jpg
Fang - Research Lab - 0A4A6344 copy.jpg
1WEB - Think First - Car Seat:Helmet Safety - 0A4A9975 copy.jpg
neuro2 - 0A4A7796.jpg
Ob-gyn - 0A4A0536.jpg
Emergency Medicine Skils Lab - 0A4A8981.jpg
Senator Durbin - Full Res - OMCE6475.jpg

Sangamon Reclaimed - BRphoto - 6I5A2007.jpg
Jim Davis GTO - 865A6000 copy.jpg
Willemore House - 6I5A4812.jpg
Willemore House - 6I5A4937.jpg

Apex Energy - Ben Romang Photo - 6I5A0215.jpg
Rolling Meadows - brphoto - 6I5A9238.jpg
website-  6I5A6547.jpg
Eureka Lighting - DOT Foods - 6I5A6388.jpg
Eureka Lighting - DOT Foods - 6I5A6432.jpg
Springfield Illinois photographer
Springfield Illinois commercial photographer
Vascular Surgery - Skills Lab - 0A4A0125.jpg
research lab - 0A4A0685.jpg
Med Humanities Meeting-7.jpg
Day of Service 2024-40.jpg
Motherland Gardens - SIU Medicine - 0A4A0767.jpg
Ob-gyn - 0A4A9942.jpg
research lab - 0A4A0654.jpg
Erica Forbes - OMCE3367.jpg
Advocacy Day - Springfield, IL - 4_24 - -105.jpg
Romangs Fall - 0A4A7781.jpg
Commencement 2024-252.jpg
0A4A2798 copy.jpg
Exteriors- 0A4A7822.jpg
NE- 6I5A8617.jpg
NE- 6I5A8728.jpg
faves -  0A4A0176 copy.jpg
neuro2 - 6I5A9059.jpg
16x20 - ALZ Lab  -  0A4A7483 copy.jpg
SIU MED in Fall - 0A4A1000.jpg
3D -  0A4A9577 copy.jpg
ALZ Lab  -  0A4A7516.jpg
Dr. Acharya - Enviromental Portrait WEB - OMCE7003.jpg
Dr. Bowers - OMCE3891.jpg
Research Scholars Program - 0A4A8967.jpg
Decatur Family Medicine - Clinic -FR -  OMCE0683 copy.jpg
Harbinger Dinner 2022 - OMCE4941.jpg
OR - benromangphoto - 0A4A2164 copy.jpg
OR 02.jpg
Students in courtyard - 0A4A1702.jpg
1Enos Book Giveaway 2024-26.jpg
5K Charity Run 2023 - 104.jpg
8bit0A4A6573-Edit copy.jpg
crabtree copy.jpg
Fang - Research Lab - 0A4A6344 copy.jpg
1WEB - Think First - Car Seat:Helmet Safety - 0A4A9975 copy.jpg
neuro2 - 0A4A7796.jpg
Ob-gyn - 0A4A0536.jpg
Emergency Medicine Skils Lab - 0A4A8981.jpg
Senator Durbin - Full Res - OMCE6475.jpg
Sangamon Reclaimed - BRphoto - 6I5A2007.jpg
Jim Davis GTO - 865A6000 copy.jpg
Willemore House - 6I5A4812.jpg
Willemore House - 6I5A4937.jpg
Apex Energy - Ben Romang Photo - 6I5A0215.jpg
Rolling Meadows - brphoto - 6I5A9238.jpg
website-  6I5A6547.jpg
Eureka Lighting - DOT Foods - 6I5A6388.jpg
Eureka Lighting - DOT Foods - 6I5A6432.jpg
Springfield Illinois photographer

Springfield Illinois commercial photographer

show thumbnails